Recommended Albums

Introducing Clara Guldberg Ravn (2017)

Clara Guldberg Ravn

The Danish recorder player, Clara Guldberg Ravn (born 1992), is finishing her Master's Degree with professor Dan Laurin at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Sweden. She has studied for Pierre... Read
DOWNLOAD 9€ | CD 10€

The Music of John Coltrane (2009)

Rashied Ali, Prima Materia

Originally recorded on John Coltrane's sensational, futuristic 1967 recording, "Stellar Regions", Coltrane's drummer Rashied Ali joins the excellent group Prima Materia for new renditions of these... Read

I Närbilder - Visor av Fritz Sjöström (2023)

Jan Alpsjö, Arne Forsén

Fritz Sjöström föddes 1923 i Kiruna och hans musikintresse grundlades troligen genom hans far, som var spelman, körledare och fiolbyggare. Redan i ungdomsåren komponerade han visor till... Read

Moomin Music (2024)

Tove Jansson, Erna Tauro, Mika Pohjola, Johanna Grüssner

Explore the complete collection of original recording sheet music from the iconic Moomin Voices album! Dive into the musical world with scores for 22 songs, experiencing the very same visual... Read
DOWNLOAD 29€ | CD 32€

30 Greatest Scott Joplin Ragtime Piano Pieces (2017)

Scott Joplin

Scott Joplin (1867 or 1868 - April 1, 1917) was an American composer and pianist. Joplin achieved fame for his ragtime compositions and was dubbed the "King of Ragtime Writers". During his brief... Read

Hidden Voices (2021)


Ever since its founding in 2008, The Swedish Contemporary Ensemble, Lipparella has collaborated with numerous composers to create new works for an ensemble of instruments rarely used in contemporary... Read
DOWNLOAD 9€ | CD 10€ | BUNDLE 82€

Two for the Road (2008)

Jill Seifers Walsh, Mika Pohjola

American Broadway songs with a classy touch became the recognizable feature of vocalist Jill Seifers Walsh and pianist Mika Pohjola at the turn of the millenium. Walsh and Pohjola met in Boston in... Read
DOWNLOAD 9€ | CD 10€ | BUNDLE 52€

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1+1 Various CDs and Downloads

1 CD + 1 Download, Two Different Albums, Available in Many Combinations

3+1 Finland Tango Bundle

3 CDs (Scandinavian Yuletide Voices, Songs of Finland, Leivonen lumimyrskyssä) + 1 Download (Suomalaisia lauluja)

4+1 Scandinavian Fairy-tale Bundle

4 CDs (Puttes äventyr i Blåbärsskogen, Moomin Voices/Muminröster, Nu ska vi sjunga, Nu blir sommar) + 1 Download (Svenska psalmer)

7+1 Clearance Bundle

7 CDs (VI, Puttes äventyr i Blåbärsskogen, Consorts, Two for the Road, Songs of Finland, Leivonen lumimyrskyssä, Announcement) + 1 Download

5+1 New York Jazz Bundle

5 CDs (Trio Hour, Northern Sunrise, Landmark, Announcement, Two for the Road) + 1 Download (Still Alive)

8+1 Swedish Contemporary Bundle

8 CDs (incl. 1 Double CD) (See a list here) + 1 Download

21+1 Superpack

21 CDs (See a list here) + 1 Download


John Coltrane

was always surrounded by music. His father played several instruments sparking... learn more

Mark Ferber

grew up in Moraga, CA, and began playing piano at the age of four, before moving on... learn more

Toivo Kärki

is regarded as one of the most prolific Non-Argentinian tango composers of the 20th... learn more

Ivo Nilsson

made his debut as a soloist with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra in 1989, after... learn more

Eeppi Ursin

is a New York-based platinum-selling, award-winning singer, songwriter and pianist... learn more

Ulvens Döttrar - The Daughters of the Wolf

is a vocal/ethnic instrument trio from the Åland islands. Original compositions... learn more